Jumeirah Village Circle


Launched in 2005, Jumeirah Village Circle is a freehold master development situated alongside Sheikh Zayed Road, the main highway running the length of Dubai.

The quality of the buildings varies according to the individual developer, and ranges from well finished larger developments to shoddy, smaller ones.


JVC (Jumeirah Village Circle) location is considered a central location supported by public transport network make it very convenient to commute to popular areas in Dubai.

Proximity To Landmark

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JVC for investment

JVC is considered one of the best areas for property investment mainly due to its lucrative pricing and high rental yields.

In the current market climate, new and affordable areas will continue to attract investors and residents, providing support to both rental and property prices.

The increase in popularity of the area with the population growing from under 9K in 2016 to over 26K in 2020.

YoY change in JVC prices vs Dubai clearly indicates that JVC held up quite well despite the overall Dubai property market’s price decline.

Population Trend of the Area
JVC vs Dubai - Average PSF and Rent

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